Thursday, April 25, 2013

Weekend Fun

We will have another full weekend! I love when I am busy with fun activities  both Friday and Saturday. Sundays are reserved for rest!!

B and I will head to Miller Outdoor Theatre again Friday evening to see, ‘Where Were You In ’65?’ I'm thinking the music alone will be worth the free admission!

I will pack a lovely dinner picnic of grilled chicken sandwiches, fresh fruit cups, our favorite kettle cooked chips and I might bake cupcakes for dessert! The weather has been perfect for alfresco dining.

 Saturday is our company picnic at Kemah. 

The Party Girls and I will be out there all day having a blast!  The girls will have unlimited ride passes plus we will be getting our boardwalk gaming on! 

 What do you guys have planned for the weekend?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Insomnia Musing

image credit: Google

I have bouts of insomnia. LONG bouts of insomnia.  Someone suggested that I should brain dump. I usually just write until my mind is uncluttered. No real beginning, a little sporadic and no real ending.  Here is an excerpt from one of those dumps.


What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
I have seen this statement, or some variation, a lot lately. I’ve seen it so much that I am convinced it is God’s way of throwing pebbles at me.
The last time I saw that saying, I was watching the LeanIn author on O.prah. I then wrote a two page list (back and front) of all the things I would do if I wasn’t afraid of failing.
Fear of the unknown is crippling. Fear of the unknown for me puts me in a choke hold of doing nothing. I get so overwhelmed with the ‘what if’ scenarios I don’t do anything.
Then I ask myself, "when did you tuck my nuts away? What happened to the ballsy chick you used to be?" I see glimpses of her but the full on bad ass? Shrug
I talk myself out of greatness every day.  Every.Single.Day.
I'm stopping that shyt immediately! That's not who I know I am.
I was sharing a dream job scenario with my mom a few months ago and I started going down a list of the things I didn’t know regarding stepping into that dream job. Her simple statement to me was: “You know more than you think.”
That statement has stuck with me, "You know more than you think."
My weight is so out of control. I was looking for something to wear the other day and I for real sat in my closet and cried when none of my "ideal weight" clothes no longer fit properly. 
When I had my big weight loss a couple of years ago, I got rid of most of my fat clothes.  I kept a couple of things as a reminder of how far I’d come; to keep me motivated.  I cried because I am inching back into those items.
After feeling sorry for myself, I pulled Deebo (my scale) out, weighed myself, and felt sorry for myself a little while longer, moped for a couple of days then got it together and decided on a plan of attack.
Movement is key for me; I manage my food pretty well.
I will no longer make excuses to not take PROPER care of myself.
I will not turn 40 and be the cute, fat friend hiding behind oversized clothes like a wallflower again. 
Balls to the wall...that expression has always cracked me up...

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thursday Throwback: W's Prom

Since my youngest sister, NinahBee, rocked fresh Air.Force.Ones for her senior prom, it's kind of a tradition that W carried on for her senior prom. 
B is all about heels so I'm not so sure she will be furthering said tradition when the time comes! LOL

Monday, April 15, 2013

B needs your vote!

For those of you that don't know, B does pageants.  During her second pageant, she won the top prize for her age division, which included a crown and sash.
She's only done two pageants in her entire For both, she wore the dress you see above. I won't even go on my tangent about the price of gowns and what people are willing to pay for said gowns. Chile. Not me.  I gave B a budget and she found this dress in the clearance section of DavidsBridal online.  We lucked up finding it in one of the stores in the city. We had it altered (shortened and some of the netting taken out) and it has served us  well.
For the state competition, however, B THINKS she wants a new dress.  She found these dresses and can't decide which she likes better. That's where you come in! Cast your vote in the comments please to help B decide on her next winning dress!

1. This yellow is my favorite! It is also the most expensive not including alterations. It also comes in a hot pink that we like.
  2. B likes this purple because of the "princess cut" but she doesn't think it is "blingy" enough

 3. Dark purple. B like this one but, again, not blingy enough and the waist part looks "wonky" according to her. This one is my least favorite

4. This is my second favorite but B's least favorite. She said if we could get Ms. Suzie (the seamstress) to make it more sparkly the dress would have a chance
 OK party people, what do y'all think? B can't wait to hear from you! Seriously. She's gonna get on my nerves asking "have the people spoken?" lololol