Tuesday, May 8, 2012

B's Fashion Minute

So my super awesome, Queen in training, head of my Auntorage niece is super stylish. You can check her out over here. My fab sister often posts pics of super niece on her blog. I seriously LOVE LOVE LOVE her style. She's been slaying since way back.
My Awesome Niece

Once B saw M's pics on the my sister's blog she immediately asked me why SHE doesn't have a segment on MY blog about her own style *blink, blink*

So to that end, I will occasionally post pictures of my own super awesome daughter's fashion.  She def has her own style and is allowed to express it...within reason. She knows what E and I won't allow and she maneuvers within those boundaries without complaint.  I mean the kid has a signature show style every school year! WHO DOES THAT!!!???

So without further adieu....

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