Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Lemon Bush

So I have this lemon bush that I have yet to use for actual lemons! For the past two years the plant has been heavy with fruit but the fruit never turned yellow. Never.
So this year, with all the rain we've received, the bush is heavy with fruit again. So I decided to do some research on what's going on...cause yall know I LOVE me some lemons!
So guess what? You have to pick the fruit off of the branches in order for it to change. At least that is what I read on a couple of gardening sites.
So B and I picked an entire bowl, sat them on the kitchen windowsill and now we wait! It could take two or three weeks for the fruit to change to yellow.
If this works I will be giving lemons away because that bush is so full! I'll keep you posted!



  1. I love lemons and limes. I can't wait for them to ripen up to see what creative creation you come up with !
