Thursday, October 25, 2012

Confessions #NoUrsher

These past three weeks or so have been cah-razy at my mortgage paying job. I have questioned my sanity, intelligence and choice of employment so many times.  I mean 12 hour days 6 days a week for three weeks.  My house is a wreck, a hot mess wreck! I don’t think I’ve been to the grocery store for a real deal food shopping experience in a month.  I mean I will easily drop $500 when I go next. #NoLie We are out of nearly everything…even my frozen stash is about out.  It’s bad y’all.

To that end, our diets have been a catastrophe…a processed food catastrophe.  How I loss 5lbs a couple of weeks ago is beyond me!!  So imagine our not so surprise when our bodies started reacting to this abrupt change in diet. Sluggishness and headaches abound; along with yells of “use the spray” whenever anybody went to the bathroom after these not so gourmet meals.  I am not proud and I have no excuses. Apparently, my family has had enough. They are literally begging for a fully, homemade meal.  It is so bad B was like, “Maybe we can just eat vegetables for a couple of days to get our bodies back right.”

That kid may be on to something! LOL

So even though I have less than a week left of this 12 hour day madness, I will make a quick trip to the grocery store to buy some staple stuff that will allow me to whip up good, healthy, quick non-processed meals.  I have also started a two week menu plan (trying something new) filled with brand new food items along with my grocery list that is currently three pages long.


I am also going to take this opportunity of pantry refrigerator emptiness to clean and organize. I mean a for real organization, like painting shelves, getting a new door, utilizing baskets and labels and such. I would like a new to me refrigerator also but my current bulky one is still working just fine sans the water and ice dispenser.  It’s just big and bulky and old, like original to my 20 plus year old house old…but it still works just fine…and I’m still cheap frugal.

So in between crunching numbers and late nights, I will be formulating my plan of attack on my ratchet pantry and fridge! I will keep you posted.

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