Friday, November 2, 2012

#AThankful30Days - Day 1 Employment

Two of my wonderful girlfriends are doing a #AThankful30Days where for the month of November they will make daily posts, on Facebook, of some of the things they are thankful for.  I decided to join them, except I will post here and a condensed version on FB. I did this one year on an old blog and I LOVED it! Hopefully I will be able to keep up!

#AThankful30Days - Day 1 Employment

I did not go to college specifically for my current career path. My degree is in English. I had dreams of being a roving reporter who travelled the world bringing the masses current events. Or I wanted to write books that people would pass on to their children or required reading in colleges and universities. I even wanted to be an etymologist at one point. Chile, my nerddom knew no bounds! lol

While it is still possible for me to write a book, reporting is far too competitive for my personality and word historians make pennies and wouldn’t allow me to live the traveling life I’d like!   So I was blessed with working in the tax accounting field.

I am thankful for the opportunity to challenge myself on a daily basis, to work in a field where it is likely I will always have a job; I am also thankful for the benefits this job provides to aid in taking care of my family.  We have fantastic health and dental benefits, the company is strong and I actually enjoy nearly all of the people I interact with regularly; that in itself is enough to be thankful for! LOL


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