Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fine by Birthday Time #5

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I sure did. I enjoyed my family, cooked a lot, laughed even more and ate and ate and ate!  So it is NO surprise that I am holding steady....at 226.5. 
My wonderful Thanksgiving gave way to ALL of my sugar and carb cravings!  I LOVE pecan pie and I surely had my share. I am currently back on the wagon but it seems like my cravings are way worse this time around. No matter how bad those cravings get, I am holding strong. It is still not too late for me to at least get out of the 220's! By out of the 220's I mean 215!
*Crosses shoelaces (instead of fingers) so I can go for a walk during lunch*
How are your healthy living goals going?

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