Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Season of Lent

Lent begins tomorrow. Though I am not Catholic, I enjoy the Lenten season.  I specifically and purposefully focus on eliminating the things that I feel have pushed me off of God's path for me. One year it was alcohol, another year it was slothfulness, another social media and last year was meat (excluding seafood).  The rewards for giving up those things were tremendous.
Lent is a season of forty days, excluding Sundays, of penance and prayer before Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday and ends the Saturday before Easter.  The forty days represent the time Jesus spent in the wilderness being tempted by Satan.  This Lenten season I don't know what I want to sacrifice.
I feel a deep need to be more prayerful, more spiritual because I have a lot of confusion going on and I need to separate God's path from my own, if that makes sense. I only want what God wants for me and right now I don't feel like I have a clear picture of what that is. I want us to be on the same page.
I've also been VERY restless over the pass several months.  The last time I was this restless, I quit my job, packed up my apartment and moved from Ohio to Texas all in a ten day span. Because of this I have been less present at home with B. Lately, I will get home, cook dinner and veg out until midnight.
Well, after re-reading this I guess I do know what I want to focus on for these 40 days:
  • Constant, focused prayer and study about the situations that are causing confusion
  • Constant, focused prayer and study about this restlessness. I think the confusion and restlessness may be linked
  • Fasting from FB, Twitter and IG, I will be removing them from my phone tonight.  I want to ensure that I am the best Mommy I can be for my B, the best friend I can be to my friends and the best person I know I can be. Slothfulness is not sexy and we all know I love The Sexy!


  1. Im going to miss reading u and your home cooking tips..your humor and brightness that shines so bright everyday..i understand tho..and can understand...see u when u return..u will he missed Doll. *Hugs*


  2. I've been off and on Twitter sparingly myself and just missed you! I panicked thinking Twitter had unfollowed you on my TL(it has happened before)

    Glad you are seeking spiritual growth. In hindsight I should have joined everyone in this spiritual season.
