Friday, February 1, 2013

The Friday Five - First of the Month

I most certainly hummed chorus as I typed that title out! LOL
I LOVE seeing you guys all up and through my stats reading from near and far. How about you introduce yourselves and tell me where you are from? I say we can do this once a quarter or so. If you have a blog link it so I can comment on YOUR blog and add your blog to my Reader!
On keeping with the spirit of introductions and The Friday Five here are five things about yours truly:
  • 2013 is a milestone birthday for me.
  • I have two daughters
  • I love dancing
  • I drove to ND from Texas over the Christmas break (I will blog about that later)
  • Besides cooking, travelling is one of my most favorite things to do
So please introduce yourself!! I don't bite.


  1. Babs in Blogland
    Atlanta, GA, Shawty!

  2. Hi. My name is Ninah, and I'm an addict. lol, j/p

    Sooo, five things about me...

    I love the color pink ; )
    I have a new jewelry shop on Etsy
    I love to make things & decorate
    I have three children
    I also have a milestone birthday this year!!!

    Happy Friday!

  3. It's me!!! K. Rock from the ATL. Love the blog. Keep up the good work!

  4. It's me Adrienne!!! lol
    but you already know meee lol

  5. Sam aka mrsinspiredmind! :)
    the Buckeye state
