Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Signs of Spring

This plant grows long and strong! I love the pretty yellow blooms.
Spring has always been my favorite time of year; not too hot, not cold and near constant sunshine! When I lived in OH, I craved spring time after the often sunless and cold winters.  The smell of fresh cut grass, the first barbecue and beautiful blooming flowers and shrubs. I LOVE spring.

Never mind I need to clean the beds and add fresh black mulch.
I am NO Green Thumb Goddess though I try every year. While I don't remember the names of most of the plants that have survived my brown thumb, I am SURE I picked them because they were easy to maintain and would thrive in the Texas heat and humidity.

Buds from my lemon bush. Think I'm going to add a lime bush to the mix! 

I have began paying more attention to where the sun rises and sets in my back yard because I want to plant a vegetable garden. When I was growing up someone is our family ALWAYS had a garden. I can't remember ever going to a grocery store for the fruits and vegetables we ate. My grandmothers had gardens and fruit trees, there were wild berries we picked and ate all the time. Yeah, I'm going to grow my own vegetables.

Elephant ears are also one of my favorite plants. 
This is another plant that grows really nicely during spring
This one only blooms during the spring and is so fragrant!
How does YOUR garden grow?

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