Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Blog Everyday in May - Days 1-6

I’m always #TardyForTheParty! I saw this challenge floating around and wasn’t going to do it. I was just going to read everybody else’s stories.

Then I changed my mind…this morning…I’m doing it. #IDoWhatIWant LOLOL

How about I do the first six days in one post?

Day 1 – The Story of Your Life in 250 words or less
I was born in a little town in MS in 1973. I was the first grandchild and from what I’ve been told I was spoiled rotten. When I was 14 we moved to OH. I hated everything about that city. Except that is where I met my best friend. We’ve been friends for ever!! I moved to Texas when I was barely 2o.  Houston is where I currently reside. I have two of the best kids in the entire world. One goes to school in cold ass Fargo. My baby girl is a definite Momma’s Girl. I work as a tax accountant for a large manufacturing company.

Day 2 – Educate Us On Something You Know A lot About Or Are Good At
Though I am not a chef, cooking is one of my super powers.  Want to make a juicy burger? Season your freshly ground beef, form it into a patty and place it on a hot surface and let it cook! Like don’t smash it down, don’t keep flipping it just let in cook on one side then flip it once to cook on the other side. Never smash your patties!

Also, let the meats/poultry/fish you cook rest for a few minutes before cutting into them. It allows the juice to redistribute. I PROMISE you will notice a difference in the juiciness of your meat.

Day 3 – Things That Make You Uncomfortable
People who don’t believe in personal space make me uncomfortable.  People with no home training asking personal questions also make me uncomfortable. 

Day 4 – Favorite Quote (from a person, a book, etc.) and why you love it
I LOVE quotes and don’t have just one but my most recent favorite is, Fear is a choice. I can’t recall who said this or where I read it.  This quote is one of my favorites because it defines how I try to tackle life challenges, difficult situations, things I want to achieve.

Day 5 - Publicly profess your love and devotion for one of your blogger friends. What makes them great? Why do you love them? If you don't have blogger friends, talk about a real-life friend or even a family member
TheNinahBee – she is snarky, smart, funny, a fantastic wife to the best BIL, a really great mom, SUPER creative, inspirational, no nonsense, an old soul and the best youngest sister. I love her to PIECES!

Day 6 - If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question, 'what do you do'?
I parent my children, I am a partner to my BooThang, I am a confidant to my sisters, a daughter, head of my own Auntorage (best nieces and nephew). I cook delicious food, I learn everyday, I laugh everyday, I love everyday.


1 comment:

  1. Love this. I will tune in everyday and call you out should you slack.
