Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 19, Sunday: Five of your favorite blogs and what you love about them

My sweet baby sister @TheNinahBee. She is so creative and funny and just full of all around awesomeness! Please go check her out...she even makes super dope jewelry.
Paige over @TheLastDoughnut.  She is one of my newest favorites.  She's funny, has the cutest dogs, she's a runner and super cute.  She slays my spirit with her abs y'all!
Dr. Manning over @ReflectionsOfAGradyDoctor. She's an Atlanta based doctor with a BHE (you'll have to read her blog to figure out what that references).  She loves her family, her job and writing. And her writing is so beautiful y'all.  When I first found her blog a couple of years ago I literally spent a weekend reading her archives. Not even kidding. I love her spirit and totally have a girl crush on her! LOL
Luvvie over @AwesomelyLuvvie. She is UBER hilarious.I mean she needs to write for her own sitcom seriously or take her show on the road.  She owns a non-profit that she stomps hard for! I think she is a total rock star
Ashley over @NotWithoutSalt I seriously swoon every time I see her photos. They are beautiful! Stunning even. I've yet to try one of her recipes because I always get lost in the photograph!

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