Thursday, May 23, 2013

Day 23, Thursday: Things you've learned that school won't teach you

Real world budgeting. 
You can take all of the accounting/finance courses you want but nothing compares to actually budgeting.  Once you are thrust into real world situations when there's more bills than money, you figure stuff out.  When you are young and don't have an emergency fund and your tire blows out right after you paid all of your bills and don't know what to do.  Real world budgeting situations are lessons I learned mostly outside of school.
How to follow my dreams.
School often teaches you how to find a "good paying job with benefits." I didnt learn that I could actually do what I love and get paid for it until far later in life.  People who've been in the workforce for good lengths of time often tell me that if they could do it over they would have done something they loved. Better late than never though.

1 comment:

  1. I am with you on all the money junk. I had the tire thing happen to me a few months back. Thank Jesus I had a nice Momma who helped me out.
