Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day 25, Saturday: Something Someone Told You About Yourself...

...that you'll never forget (good or bad)
That I was "definitely my mother's child."  The person that told me meant it as an insult because my mother's history preceded her. She was a sho nuff badass in her younger days and was often judged based on her past.  However, I took that supposed insult as a compliment. 
My mother often worked two jobs to take care of me, my sisters and my daughter.  She sacrificed a lot to, at the time, get her B.S. degree (she went on to get her PhD).  I took this person's intended insult to mean that I was resilient, intelligent,  compassionate, hard-working and took no crap. So yes I am, proudly, my mother's child.

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