Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Wednesday Weigh-In #2 - My Overall Goals

 My ultimate goal is to look hot as hell nekkid. Not that I will be traispsing around in my birthday suit all willy nilly mind you. I just want to be happy with the body I see in the mirror every morning.  Right now I don't feel that way.  

I want to walk into my cardiologist's office and have her tell me that she is taking me off of my high blood pressure medicine.


I want to get down to my ideal weight. My ideal weight is not the recommended weight for my height. If I got down that small again, I'd look like I was sick. Seriously.  I LOVE having curves.  I just want to keep those curves reserved for my butt, hips and b00bs, not my belly! LOL 

Finally, I want to be a better, healthier example for my children. I don't want my bad habits to rub off on B.  Nor do I want to create a situation later where I am a burden to either of my girls because of health choices I've made now.

What's your motivation?


1 comment:

  1. motivation: getting into all the clothes in the closet and looking good in them. I do Weight watchers.
