Friday, August 16, 2013

The Friday Five: Full Weekend Ahead

Hey strangers! How has your summer gone? Quickly? Mine too! Can you for real believe it is time for the kids to go back to school?? I mean it is nearly September!

Although I've been posting on Instagram (@sogirlcityswirl), I have mostly been enjoying my family, hence the near non-existent posts. I think it is always a great idea to take a break every now and again to get your mind right!  I will begin posting regularly again next week.

The weekend will be busy for us.  Here are five of the fun things we will be getting into:

1.  B will be heading to a two hour cheer camp tomorrow evening. She took up tumbling over the summer and loves it!  So this will be an extension of that.

2.  After dropping B off with her favorite guy, I will high tail it to the Miller Outdoor Theatre for The Robert Glasper Experience.  I LOVE really good live music. The fact that it is free is a bonus!

3.  Saturday we will head to Dave and Buster’s with 
two of her cousins for a little mini back to school fun day

4. Saturday evening it is the Discovery Green Flea by Night. I've been trying to get to this all summer!

5.  Finally on Sunday I will head to Austin for the day to spend quality time with a really good friend. I will be cooking her meal and we are going to just talk each other’s heads off!  I’m going to make roasted chicken, fresh sautéed spinach and my favorite potatoes.  For dessert I’m making us fresh lemon tarts.  I’m surprising her with mini lemon pound cakes for her to enjoy while she is on vacation. Those are her favorite!

Click for recipe

What are your plans for the weekend? Kids headed back to school? Vacation?

1 comment:

  1. Movies with hubby tonight. Sleep till 8am Saturday then shoe shop for my daughter. Church on Sunday. Plenty of relaxing been a short but fretful week. TGIF
