Thursday, October 24, 2013

The 40 Series #6: When People Show You

 The first person I claimed to be my BFF betrayed the heck out of me.  Like it was so bad I wanted to physically drag her down Brown Street and all up and through the University of Dayton.  To say I hated her is an understatement.  I mean we were as thick as thieves, we partied together (every Thursday - Saturday), churched together, traveled together and so on.  If you saw one of us, you saw both of us or the other was not too far.  That was my dawg!  The bouncers at the clubs we frequented had buddy nicknames for us because we were hanging so much: Ren and Stimpy, Beavis and Butthead, Laverne and Shirley...lolol.  We used to have a ball!
I was having so much fun and enjoying all of the perks her pretty brought us I ignored all of the glaring, neon signs that she was a loser.  Her dimples and charm opened many a backstage door, free concert or club entry or rounds of drinks we never had to pay for or pay for.  The attention she garnered from men always worked to my benefit and I actually met some really cool people in the process.

However, for as pretty as she was she was so sickeningly insecure.  Every chance she got she spoke ugly about women who were prettier, smarter, more established than she was.  She would get to know a person just so she could tear them down and make herself feel superior.  She was a liar, a cheat and a thief.  Hustling me is how she almost got them paws put on  It was not funny then but now...thank God for grace! As soon as we fell out, best believe the rumors started about me. 

I also know another young lady who upon first meeting flat out told me she likes petty gossip.  Unlike my dealings with my former friend, I took her at her word.  As sure as my skin is brown, this young lady is a definite busybody thriving on the heartache, pain or sadness of others.  How terribly sad of a person do you have to be to enjoy people's pain, to relish in spreading gossip? And chile don't get me started on the older women that gossip and are catty and petty and simple.  They should be embarrassed!!  You are supposed to be the example!

That person who constantly breaks promises
The one that always lies to you
The coward who's constantly talking behind your back

They've shown you over and over who they are, how they operate; don't be surprised when they behave, towards you, exactly how they've always behaved!

What I know for sure about ME: when you show me who you are, I believe you the first time!


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