Saturday, November 23, 2013

You Tried It


To me, it doesn't cost anything to smile and be nice to people. When I smile when I see you coming, ask pointed questions about your day, tell you how extra cute you look, ask about your family or an update on the situation we discussed last, there is no ulterior motives; I ask because I for real care about people.  People that know me or know of me don't know me because I gossip or talk ugly about people.  They know me because I remember to ask about their grandchildren,  because I remember to ask how school's going, because I encourage them to act on the dreams they've shared with me.  Encouraging people makes me feel good deep down on the inside!

The thing about being genuinely good to people is that it comes back to you. Folks look out for you; when people mean you harm they make you aware. They recognize when people are up to no good.  People pray for you and with you and encourage you also!  People note and reciprocate the good!

The one issue I have ever had with Blogger is that you can't password protect posts; that would be so clutch!  I enjoy writing from my heart, being open about real life situations I deal with or have dealt with.  The fact that y'all get funnies from B or a recipe or two is just extra!  The thought that a couple of people that think they know me are digging around and printing things out about me to discuss with malicious intent does not sit well with me.  Of all the things I need to be bothered with, someone trying to use my personal words about my life and my experiences against me should not be one of them. 

A few months ago it was brought to my attention that a couple of people were trying to use my blog against me. Like, they dug around my archives and printed things that they thought were about them or people we know mutually in hopes of stirring up mess. I've known for a while but didn't decide to act until the latest incident.  When two different people told me similar things about the same two people, I knew I needed to make adjustments. 

So in order for me to continue to express myself as freely as I'd like, I am going to move some things around to make it 'safe' for me to continue to do so.  

Stay tuned...


  1. It is so sad when people spend their negative energy with an intent to harm another. Be encouraged, and continue to do you!

  2. :-(. This makes me angry. Especially because I know the kind of person you truly are. Must mean you are doing something right for trifling folks to try and start some mess about you! Don't want to have to set anyone straight but oh I will if I need to...... :-)
