Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Breakfast Sausage Spice Mix

I have been using this sausage spice blend for several years now.  It all started when the brand of breakfast sausage that I bought for E that was MSG free, all natural, blah blah blah increased in price to $7 a roll! A. ROLL.

Um. No.

I knew I could create a blend that was TRULY all natural, with no chemicals and full of delicious flavor in addition to being inexpensive!  The really great thing about these, as with all of my spice mixes, is that you can adjust and experiment to find a flavor combination that fits your family's tastes.

Sausage Spice Blend

What you need:

  • T Tbs each sage and granulated garlic
  • 1 tsp each granulated onion, fennel seed, salt and pepper
  • 1 pound fresh ground pork
  • 1 egg white
  • 2-3 Tbs oil, plus enough oil to fry the sausage

What to do:

  • In a small bowl mix the spices
  • Add the pork to a medium bowl 
  • Sprinkle about 2 Tbs of the spice mixture over the pork
  • Add the egg white and oil to the pork and mix well*
  • Form the pork into patties, you should be able to form about 6 patties
  • In a pan with about 2 Tbs of oil over medium heat, add the patties and cook until done. About 5-7 minutes per side depending on thickness

*Wet your hands with water to prevent the pork from sticking to your hands

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1 comment:

  1. I'm totally doing this. I can't find a suitable substitute for the sausage I was taught to use when making stuffed peppers (I want some of those right now since I've typed it mind you...) and I love the recipe so. Thanks Chica!
