Thursday, July 31, 2014


To say that my summer has been stressful would be an understatement. With E's health issues and surgeries, demands at work and general life stresses, I am tired.  I am wrapped REALLY tight right now; so much so that I am making myself physically ill.  I don't feel like I have had a summer break or spent enough quality time with my favorite twelve and a half year old. 

So last week I decided I needed to unplug. Like FOR REAL unplug, from social media and even my beloved blog,  and focus on relaxing and having a bit fun before B heads back to school.  When B tells me she misses me I KNOW it is time for a break.

So I will be on a month long hiatus to spend some much needed time with my family and taking time to take care of myself. I hope you all continue to have a fantastic summer and I will see you in September! 

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your break. It is needed and well deserved. See you when you get back.
