Thursday, October 9, 2014

I got a new job!

I began a new adventure last month.  I got a new job!  I am very excited about the opportunities that this new position and company will provide me.  I went from being a team of one, performing 95% of the functions to having a team of people to work with.  My department is not just a team on paper, they legit work as a team; the fact that they/we all like each other is a huge, refreshing bonus!  My pay increased to do FAR less work than I was previously. (I will discuss my issue with this later)

My commute!! Let me tell you, this probably makes me the MOST happiest.  My commute has been cut by more than half!  I travel against the grain of rush hour traffic, I don’t have to get on 10 or 45 and there’s minimal traffic returning home because I leave work at 3:30!!  For those that know about traffic on I-10 and I-45, my former route, know that not having to get on either of those freeways at any hour is a happy hour!  My quality of life has increased significantly because of this.  The first week or so of getting home between 4 and 4:15, I didn't know what to do with myself! LOL Getting home early enough to do things other than, immediately, starting the dinner|homework|bedtime routine, was foreign to me.  I have gotten so much of my time back.  E and B have noticed that I am less stressed and “not nearly as pissy” and it has only been about a month.  It is amazing what a couple of extra hours in your day can do! 

The only hiccup, which really isn't a hiccup I guess, is that since there is a team doing what I used to do solo, I was concerned about losing the skills that I’d honed for over seven years.  I discussed this with someone I trust.  She told me I was looking at the situation ALL wrong.  She asked me how long had I been putting off completing my educational pursuits because of my workload (in addition to E’s medical stuff)?  She asked how long would it actually take for me to complete the hardest leg of my goals?  She also pointed out that the college is RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET from my current employer.  She informed me that this is my “break”.  The break I have been waiting for to complete the last few classes to be eligible to sit for the CPA exam, to study to get some career specific certifications and to begin navigating a couple of Master’s degrees; the break where E is healthy; the break where I don’t feel overworked and stressed.
She’s right and I am going to take FULL advantage of this opportunity! 


  1. Congratulations!!!!!! What an amazing opportunity. And thank God for a friend who knows how to tell you to sit down and shut up and gives you the good. lol.
