Monday, August 27, 2012

All Gussied Up...and my first giveaway!


So the super awesome Kristen over at gave my blog some pretty! Do you see how fancy I try to keep it for you people! I even have a cute little grab I didn't know what a grab button was until last week #TrueStory

I am so happy with the new look, I'm going to do a giveaway! My first giveaway will be of one of my new favorite things: Bacon Jam! *Swoons* Get your life cause it is soooooooo good! You can mix it in burgers, add it to mayo or even add it to a sauce. The salty, sweet mix is perfection!
One randomly chosen person will receive one jar of this deliciousness courtesy of me! Alls you gotta do is leave a comment on this post telling me one thing that makes you happy.  That's it! Easy right? 

The Bacon Jam Giveaway starts today, Monday, August 27, 2012 and ends at 11:00pm CST Friday, August 31, 2012. Winner will be announced Monday, September 3, 2012. After the winner has been announced, he or she will have 48 hours to email me with their mailing information before a new random winner will be chosen.

I can't wait to read your happy!!


  1. One thing that makes me happy? I would have to say the beach makes me happy. Lazy days on the beach just relaxing and allowing the water to calm me. Add a glass of wine and I'm totally in heaven!

  2. Bacon jam would make Timothy ÜBER happy. Which in turn makes me ÜBER happy. Which in turn means no one gets yelled at. Which makes the Hacketts a happy family. Give us jam for family peace. Amen.

  3. Morning kisses from my hubby make me happy. My day is all off if I don't get them.

  4. JD continuing his education makes me happy. He wasn't able to go to the design school of his choice because his family couldn't afford it, and after joining the military, he didn't consider going to college at all. That is, until he saw me "doing my thing," so I was his inspiration.

  5. BACON makes me happy! Eating bacon makes me happy! The smell of frying bacon makes me happy. Winning makes me HAPPY! ~gorgeouspuddin

  6. Vacations make me happy. And since I love the swine so much I am commenting to get this bacon jam from San Diego!

  7. One thing that makes me happy is my career because it's a dream come true!

  8. Ignoring the opinions and tsk tsks of the peanut gallery and living my life OUT LOUD makes this girl happy!

  9. Ignoring the opinions and tsk tsks of the peanut gallery and living my life OUT LOUD makes this girl happy!
