Monday, February 4, 2013

2013 Project List


Our home is cozy, relaxing and un-organized!  I cannot function in chaos! Cleaned closets, orderly cabinets make my heart smile. Every thing having and being in its place makes me happy! 

Currently however, this chaos has gotten out of control! You know when something small breaks or is in need of repair and you constantly say, *"I's gettin to it Pa"; "I'll take care of it this weekend." But then 'this weekend' turns into several months? Well, right now that is my house and the million little projects that I need and want to get done.

I love it when my home feels and looks put sooooo does not right now! LOL Instead of wearing myself out over a month of Saturdays I'm going to do something Pacific specific every month.  My list is general in nature but there may be several components to that big picture.

I am sure I will keep you guys updated as I mosey along but here is the big picture list:

  • Complete pantry organization/update
  • Update Kitchen cabinet décor
  • Create a Home Command Binder
  • Organize/update linen closet
  • Clean and organize garage (it is soooo bad in there)
  • Laundry space makeover (this will be a challenge because that space is in the garage)
  • Cosmetic updates to B's room (different curtains,closet system, mirrored closet doors)
  • Replace vanity and mirror in main bathroom
  • Replace and paint doors throughout the house (there will be shiny black paint involved for one lucky door!)
  • Screen door for the door leading to the garage
  • Bigger dining table glass and new chairs
  • Make curtains for living room (finally!)
  • Family room makeover (it just doesnt flow well the way it is currently set up)
  • Guest bedroom makeover (it is the keeper of crap right now)
  • Master Bedroom and Bathroom remodel (this will be the biggest and most costly project and the one I am MOST excited about) 

With all of the other things I have going on this should be interesting and fun! Stay tuned

Are there any projects you plan on tackling this year?

 *Name the movie