Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 20, Monday: Get real. Share something you're struggling with right now


That picture cracks me up!  One because, really, OMG as your weight? And two, the picture has white feet and I am clearly not white! LMBO!

My weight is the most pressing thing I am struggling with right now.  I often find it difficult to push forward. My days are early and long, B is busy with extra-curricular activities, my drive to and from work is long, there's ALWAYS something that needs to be wiped down, washed, put away, organized or repaired in the house and sometimes I am just tired.  Too tired to do anything more than prepare a meal for B and lounge on the couch or in the bed until I fall asleep. Finding dedicated time to exercise is truly a struggle for me.

Even while typing all of that I see the words for what they are...excuses.

I hate hate hate excuses. To me, excuses are obstacles you can control.  I know my lack of energy is directly related to my weight gain and sedentary lifestyle.  I also know how energized I feel after exercising and how proud I am of myself when I exercise consistently. I control how important exercise and my health is to me and I have not made it a priority in a long time. 

I recently begin doing a Wednesday Weigh In in an attempt to keep myself accountable towards my goals.  My first goal is five pounds.  This Wednesday will make three weeks since the first WW-I post.  I've lost and gained that five pounds within that three week period.  I have not been consistent.  Exercising consistency is key for me.  If you are doing it right, weight loss is a slow process that really takes dedication and patience.  This is a struggle I DO NOT plan on having for long because I have a goal that I WILL achieve.


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