Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fresh Lime Tarts

 I say this often, but I work with, not only super smart people, but folks who grow stuff!  The Southern Girl in me loves this....cause I can't grow a doggone thing!  however, I do have fond memories helping my grandmothers in their gardens!  I love it even more that they know how much I love cooking and baking and happily share their bounty with me.
Such was the case with these limes that were picked from my co-worker's tree.  She bought a grocery bag full of these beauties for me.  So guess what this week will be full of? That's right, lime inspired dishes.  First up, these really delicious tarts.
I used my regular recipe for a tart crust that can be found here and the lemon curd that can be found here.  I simply subbed the lemon for lime.  I also added lime zest to the crust after I took the dough mixture out of the oven.  My colleague had never had a lime tart before so I made sure I bought one for her lunch time pleasure! 

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