Tuesday, December 3, 2013

"Are you eating?"

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I had a really great time!  I got to hug family I haven't seen in years, I gambled (have y'all heard of LCR? That game is sooooo much fun and you don't have to gamble to play it!), and I ate until I was fat full!

While I am thankful daily I had reason to be extra thankful this season.

E was in the hospital for four days.  He has a REALLY bad heart and it decided to act up right before Thanksgiving.  Imagine my panic when I get a call from him saying that he is on his way to the hospital to be admitted during the middle of my work day.  When I got the call I was immediately frightened.

Wait. Let me back up.

About four years ago, I received the first heart call from E.  He had gone to visit a cardiologist for the very first time because he had been experiencing heart palpitations that were not caused by me!  He gets to the doctor's office, gets hooked up to several machines to check his heart function and then is immediately ambulanced to the hospital.  He called me from the ambulance.  

"Meanie I am on my way to the hospital because my heart function is at less than 30% and the cardiologist is very concerned. I don't want you to panic but I think I might need you here. Make sure you stop to get you some snacks before you make it to me."

Two days later, after a second opinion from a doctor who had to be granted rights to the hospital, and MANY tests later, E had to have a defibrillator and a pacemaker installed.  We call it his "hardware." E having that surgery never scared me, I never felt anxious about it or anything like that. I just kind of knew he would be OK. This last heart call was very different.  I immediately felt the wind knocked out of me. 

E was going about his normal routine at work and suddenly felt light-headed, something he had never experienced before.  He called his cardiologist and was told to come in immediately.  See, any time E calls his cardiologist he finds a way to get him; the doctors are used to seeing his condition in much older men who've lived a life of excess not someone in their early forties who used to lift weights.  So he gets in and sure enough they send him immediately to the hospital for admission.  His irregular heart beat is going into overdrive while in the doctor's offices and the pacemaker, which is supposed to regulate that, isn't 'activating'.  E calls me before he leaves the cardiologist's offices.

"Meanie, I'm on my way to the hospital for admissions. They think my pacemaker has stopped working and there is evidence of a minor heart attack. I might need you here but I need you to grab you some snacks on your way in."

E is always concerned about my eating habits when I am super stressed.  He always asks "have you eaten." He is hooked up to machines that are helping his heart along, that are helping him breathe easier and he is concerned about me eating and resting.  He takes care of us.  According to him that's his most important job.

E is looking at another major surgery but his heart is not strong enough for it. Not having this surgery could be fatal and having it could also be fatal.  In his current state, stress, over exertion or over excitement could for real kill him. The doctors are managing the current situation with medication until he is able to take the test that will determine if he needs to have the surgery this month or if it can be pushed to January.  Either way he is on bed rest until the determination can be made.  

My spirit doesn't have peace and I have been praying for it.  E, who always sees a solution, who always looks to the brighter side of things said to me "this situation is beyond my judgment." That broke my heart.  The man with the plan does not have a plan, a solution.

So we wait...

Saturday, November 23, 2013

You Tried It


To me, it doesn't cost anything to smile and be nice to people. When I smile when I see you coming, ask pointed questions about your day, tell you how extra cute you look, ask about your family or an update on the situation we discussed last, there is no ulterior motives; I ask because I for real care about people.  People that know me or know of me don't know me because I gossip or talk ugly about people.  They know me because I remember to ask about their grandchildren,  because I remember to ask how school's going, because I encourage them to act on the dreams they've shared with me.  Encouraging people makes me feel good deep down on the inside!

The thing about being genuinely good to people is that it comes back to you. Folks look out for you; when people mean you harm they make you aware. They recognize when people are up to no good.  People pray for you and with you and encourage you also!  People note and reciprocate the good!

The one issue I have ever had with Blogger is that you can't password protect posts; that would be so clutch!  I enjoy writing from my heart, being open about real life situations I deal with or have dealt with.  The fact that y'all get funnies from B or a recipe or two is just extra!  The thought that a couple of people that think they know me are digging around and printing things out about me to discuss with malicious intent does not sit well with me.  Of all the things I need to be bothered with, someone trying to use my personal words about my life and my experiences against me should not be one of them. 

A few months ago it was brought to my attention that a couple of people were trying to use my blog against me. Like, they dug around my archives and printed things that they thought were about them or people we know mutually in hopes of stirring up mess. I've known for a while but didn't decide to act until the latest incident.  When two different people told me similar things about the same two people, I knew I needed to make adjustments. 

So in order for me to continue to express myself as freely as I'd like, I am going to move some things around to make it 'safe' for me to continue to do so.  

Stay tuned...

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Moist Nutella Brownies

My Sweet B recently turned 12.  She is what my mother would call a "love child" According to my mother when a child is made while the parents are deeply in love, that love embeds itself within the child.  I would have to agree.  B is definitely our love child. She loves being loved on, hugs are her favorite, nothing is better than cuddling up to her dad or me.  She's not reached the age where she is ashamed to hold my hand in public, give me a kiss in front of her friends or any of those things pre-teens find gross.  I am completely enamored with her, even now.  She is very inquisitive, super intelligent and she cares about her mommy and daddy.  She has a "hardcore" love for us and we respect it and reciprocate it.  

The Gruesome Twosome, that's what I call B and E.  They are the funniest when they are dancing together.  They make up dances and songs all of the time.  E's been dancing with her since she was a baby.  Their song is My Girl by The Temptations. B thinks her daddy is every.single.thing; and he thinks his "Princess" can do no wrong.  

They are so much alike it's scary. She's emotional like E when it comes to me, she cocks her head to the side and watches TV like E, she is super silly like E and she has a ferocious sweet tooth like E.

One of our birthday traditions is dinner of choice, no matter what restaurant or cooked meal.  It will always be funny to me that my kids and E would prefer I cook for them instead of being taken out to dinner.  Is this not the most random birthday dinner request? LOL

Her latest favorite is Nutella.  If I let her she would eat a spoonful or three every day.  So when I received her birthday dinner list I was not surprised when she wanted Nutella as a part of her dinner. 

These brownies were very moist and rich and just plain old delicious.  I'm even thinking of adding them to my Cookie Boxes that I give as gifts during Christmas...never mind these aren't cookies. LOL The next time I whip these up I will be adding some actual hazelnuts to the batter!

Moist Nutella Brownies

What you need:
  • 1 Cup All Purpose Flour
  • 3/4 Cup Cocoa Powder
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Baking Powder
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Salt
  • 1 Teaspoon Cinnamon
  • 1 Cup Unsalted Butter
  • 1 Cup Sugar
  • 1 Cup Brown Sugar
  • 2 Teaspoons Hazelnut Extract (vanilla will work fine also)
  • 4 Eggs
  • 1 Cup Nutella, room temperature
  • 1/2 Cup Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips

What to do:
  • Preheat oven to 350
  • In a medium size bowl, whisk together the flour, cocoa, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon
  • In a small sauce pan, melt the butter on low heat.  Then add the sugars and hazelnut extract.  Stir until combined 
  • Remove from heat and move the mixture to the bowl of your mixer.  Let the mixture cool before adding the eggs
  • Add one egg at a time, mixing completely before adding the next egg
  • Add the dry ingredients, stir just to incorporate
  • Add the room temperature Nutella and mix until incorporated  (Note: you can melt this in the microwave for about 30 seconds if you'd like, I didn't)
  • Add the chocolate chips and stir with a rubber spatula 
  • Pour the batter into a greased 9x13 pan
  • Bake for 35-40 minutes.
  • Remove from the oven and let cool before slicing.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Forty Series #7: You Mad??

  • Black and white is my favorite color combination.
  • I'm a mild germaphobe
  • I love good books and good music.
  • I can be irritatingly indecisive
  • I second guess myself
  • I can be moody
  • Cleanliness makes me happy
  • I can hold a grudge
  • I can be kind of mean
  • I enjoy libations now and again

I will be 40 this year and I am fully aware of who I am. I've lived with myself longer than anyone else. I know me. I own every good and ugly part of who I am; some things I'm working on others not so much. I'm not perfect by any stretch but I'm VERY aware of me.

Just because you don't understand my feelings about how you made me feel doesn't make them invalid. Just because I advocate for myself and you don't like my tone and delivery or the actual words coming out of my mouth has little to do with me. Just because you would've handled a situation differently doesn't make my way wrong. Some people don't know how to deal with you when you begin standing up for yourself or having an opinion opposite of theirs.  Those same people most certainly can't deal with being called on their BS. 

I'm finding that my for real friends, love me enough to yank my collar and vice versa.  Said yanking is not some yelling and screaming tirade either. It's "you hurt my feelings, pissed me off and this is why." Girl, we are adult women with fully realized vocabularies, we can talk!  If our friendship is based on me being a yes woman to you and only expressing my feelings when they're not about you, it's good our attempt at beginning rekindling our "friendship" is ending the way it is. My spirit is at total peace.

What I know for sure about me is that: My feelings are valid whether you accept them, believe them or understand them. I will continue to be my own person with my own feelings and experiences. I will always advocate for myself because nobody knows me like I know me.


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

30 Drafts #2 - Snaps from Instagram

Instagram is my favorite!  If you follow me, @SoGirlCitySwirl, you have likely seen all of these pictures and related commentary.  I usually post my #CrackSnack finds, recipe less dinners, drink concoctions and selfies (that word just cracks me up!)

Shrimp and Grits in a white wine cream sauce!

Double Dipped Onion Rings. E only gets these twice a year!

Homemade pizzas are the best pizzas!  I'm going to have do a
tutorial on this super easy and delicious crust!

Fresh Fried Eggplant.  They were so good we had them two nights in a row!

I have found my cinnamon roll recipe! I made them two days in a
row to make sure the goodness was not a fluke! LOL

B wanted mozzarella sticks as a part of her super random birthday dinner.
Y'all know I was not going to buy frozen!  Recipe coming soon.

Saturday night dinner: Tacos three ways. Man these were so good! Chili Rubbed Cob w/ Lime and Ginger Slaw, Grilled Steak w/ Avocado Salsa, BBQ Pulled Pork w/Pepper Jack Cheese all on warm corn tortillas!


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Thirty Drafts

Do you see all of those draft posts!!  I am going to challenge myself this month to at least post half of those Drafts.  Mostly I just need to edit pictures but editing can be time consuming, especially if you are an amateur like me!  So thirty days at least 30 posts strictly from my drafts!

Let's see how I do...never mind that I am already two days behind...smh.


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Lime and Ginger Scones w/Butter Lime Glaze

I am not a big sweets eater. I've said that many times.  However, sometimes I will make something that I absolutely DO NOT want to share...these scones were one of those desserts! I straight up wanted to hide these from E and B...not even kidding!

There is no butter or oil in the cake recipe but the cake is moist and tender thanks to an entire cup of ultra rich coconut milk!  This cake is heavy on the lime zest and lime juice and it pairs so nicely with the ginger.  It is a winner!

Lime and Ginger Scones w/Butter Lime Glaze
What You Need:
  • 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon baking powder
  • 1 Teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1 Tablespoon lime zest
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup coconut milk (not cream of coconut)
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 2 Tablespoons fresh lime juice
For the glaze:
  • Two Tablespoons melted butter, cooled
  • Two Tablespoons fresh lime
  • 1/2 Teaspoon ginger
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
What To Do:
  • Preheat the oven to 375 F. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper or use nonstick spray
  • Place the first six ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Whisk well.
  • Make a well in the center of the bowl and pour the coconut milk, cream and lime juice into the center.  Use a large rubber spatula to fold the milk and cream and juice into the dry ingredients. Don't over-work
  • As soon as the dough starts to come together, turn it out onto a lightly floured surface.  Knead the dough a few times, gently.
  • Pat the dough into a 9-inch circle that's about 1/2-inches thick. Cut the circle into wedges like a pie.  
  • Place them onto the prepared baking sheet.
  • Bake 20-25 minutes, or until the tops are firm and the bottoms are just beginning to brown
  • Cool completely before adding the glaze
For the glaze
  • In a medium-sized mixing bowl, combine the confectioners' sugar, melted butter, lime juice and ginger
  • Whisk everything together until smooth
  • Smear the glaze onto the cooled scones and enjoy!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The 40 Series #6: When People Show You

 The first person I claimed to be my BFF betrayed the heck out of me.  Like it was so bad I wanted to physically drag her down Brown Street and all up and through the University of Dayton.  To say I hated her is an understatement.  I mean we were as thick as thieves, we partied together (every Thursday - Saturday), churched together, traveled together and so on.  If you saw one of us, you saw both of us or the other was not too far.  That was my dawg!  The bouncers at the clubs we frequented had buddy nicknames for us because we were hanging so much: Ren and Stimpy, Beavis and Butthead, Laverne and Shirley...lolol.  We used to have a ball!
I was having so much fun and enjoying all of the perks her pretty brought us I ignored all of the glaring, neon signs that she was a loser.  Her dimples and charm opened many a backstage door, free concert or club entry or rounds of drinks we never had to pay for or pay for.  The attention she garnered from men always worked to my benefit and I actually met some really cool people in the process.

However, for as pretty as she was she was so sickeningly insecure.  Every chance she got she spoke ugly about women who were prettier, smarter, more established than she was.  She would get to know a person just so she could tear them down and make herself feel superior.  She was a liar, a cheat and a thief.  Hustling me is how she almost got them paws put on her...lol.  It was not funny then but now...thank God for grace! As soon as we fell out, best believe the rumors started about me. 

I also know another young lady who upon first meeting flat out told me she likes petty gossip.  Unlike my dealings with my former friend, I took her at her word.  As sure as my skin is brown, this young lady is a definite busybody thriving on the heartache, pain or sadness of others.  How terribly sad of a person do you have to be to enjoy people's pain, to relish in spreading gossip? And chile don't get me started on the older women that gossip and are catty and petty and simple.  They should be embarrassed!!  You are supposed to be the example!

That person who constantly breaks promises
The one that always lies to you
The coward who's constantly talking behind your back

They've shown you over and over who they are, how they operate; don't be surprised when they behave, towards you, exactly how they've always behaved!

What I know for sure about ME: when you show me who you are, I believe you the first time!


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Spiced Glazed Pumpkin Scones

I really love fall...well Texas' version of fall.  While I love the changing of the colors, the cooler days and fall fashion, my most favorite part of fall is the food!  Braised meats, hearty soups and stews and delicious fall desserts!

Pumpkins and apples are at their best right now and I am all over it! This is a recipe from last year and I only slightly tweaked it.  I added a sprinkle or three of ginger cane sugar.  The house smelled so good while these were baking up!

Spiced Glazed Pumpkin Scones

What you need:

For the Scones:

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup plus 3 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon ground  nutmeg
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 6 tablespoons cold butter, cut into 1-inch cubes
  • 1/2 cup canned pumpkin puree (NOT pumpkin pie filling)
  • 3 tablespoons heavy cream
  • 1 large egg

For the Spiced Glaze:

  • 1 cup plus 3 tablespoons powdered sugar
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves

What to do:

  • Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper; set aside.
  • In the bowl stir together the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and ginger.
  • Cut the butter into the flour with a fork and mix until the texture resembles coarse cornmeal, with the butter pieces no larger than small peas.
  • In a separate bowl, whisk together the pumpkin, cream and egg. Fold wet ingredients into dry ingredients, and form the dough into a ball. Pat out dough onto a lightly floured surface and form into a 1-inch thick rectangle about 4 inches by 12 inches.
  • Use a large knife (or pizza cutter like I did) to slice the dough making three equal portions. Cut each of the portions in an X pattern (four pieces) so you end up with 12 triangular slices of dough.
  • Place on prepared baking sheet. Bake for 14-16 minutes, or until light brown. Place on wire rack to cool.
  • While the scones are cooling, make the glaze by mixing all of the glaze ingredients.
  • Drizzle, spoon or spread over the cooled scones.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fresh Lime Tarts

 I say this often, but I work with, not only super smart people, but folks who grow stuff!  The Southern Girl in me loves this....cause I can't grow a doggone thing!  however, I do have fond memories helping my grandmothers in their gardens!  I love it even more that they know how much I love cooking and baking and happily share their bounty with me.
Such was the case with these limes that were picked from my co-worker's tree.  She bought a grocery bag full of these beauties for me.  So guess what this week will be full of? That's right, lime inspired dishes.  First up, these really delicious tarts.
I used my regular recipe for a tart crust that can be found here and the lemon curd that can be found here.  I simply subbed the lemon for lime.  I also added lime zest to the crust after I took the dough mixture out of the oven.  My colleague had never had a lime tart before so I made sure I bought one for her lunch time pleasure!