Friday, April 4, 2014

Fan Girl Friday: Dishwasher upgrade!!

Several months ago our dishwasher gave up the ghost.  I mean it hissed, booed and died right before the completion of a full load of dishes! Luckily there were no leaks but the nerve!  We decided to hold off on getting a new, because we had other things going on. And if I'm being serious, a dishwasher is not a necessity or emergency purchase, per se. Besides, the old dishwasher was original to the house so it was time for it to go on to glory!

Since E and B typically handle the dishes I never gave hand washing the dishes a second thought. Well I was home for two weeks and I was over that hand washing business after two days! OVER IT!  I cook too much for that mess!  So I headed over to Lowe's, where I had the best customer service, and got a SUPER great deal on our new appliance. I can't wait for it to be installed!!!

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