Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Enjoying – All of the positive feedback I received from my Heart Health post.  Thank you all so much for reading and sharing your stories with me; for sending encouraging words and thoughts and prayers.  I appreciate and receive all of that goodness!

Loving – This orange skirt and belt I can’t wait to rock!  You know how you have an outfit idea in your head and search for the pieces to make it right? I’m doing that now!  I’m thinking hot pink and orange  or orange and leopard (I consider leopard a neutral) with some fire baubles from my sister.  I give her an idea of what I want and she runs with it! I have never been disappointed!

Feeling – Anxious. E gets his pacemaker replaced soon. He’s had it for about 5 years now and the battery is on the fritz.  Any time he has to go under, even for minor stuff, I get nervous…

Reading – Still trying to make it through Lime…I haven’t been inclined to pick it again since I last mentioned it!

Thinking about – how much fun I am going to have at a friend’s birthday cocktail party.  She and her husband ALWAYS pick the BEST places for us to hang out!

Listening to – Disclosure by Latch featuring Sam Smith. 

Watching – Nothing really, just catching up on some of my DVR’ed shows from the fall.

Making me happy – Cuddling with my best girl! She LOVES loving on us and being loved on!

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