Wednesday, October 1, 2014


The women I follow on FB are hilarious.  I mean if I need a middle of the day pick me, I can log on and get a good belly roll laugh!  Last week there was a post on Magic Johnson’s son who'd recently had weight loss surgery. One of the ladies said something like, if he remains “fat-minded” the surgery will be a waste.  After I had a sufficient laugh off of the entire thread, Hills comment about being “fat-minded” lingered.

Since March 2014, I have lost nearly fifty pounds. Most of that weight loss came from stress, when the stress was reduced I decided to try to, at least, maintain the loss.  I have dropped several dress sizes, purged my closet twice (such that I am wearing the same combination of outfits every week) and am learning to fall in love with my body all while remaining fat-minded.
When I look in the mirror I still see size 18/20 TBruce.  The TBruce who hid behind over sized clothes, who wasn’t always mindful of her appearance, who still has forty more pounds to lose.  I don’t see the “slim”, “skinny” person y’all seem to see.  I pick my body apart every time I look in the mirror: my butt needs to be firmer, my thighs are too saggy, my arms need toning, my eyes look extra baggy, do I look bobble-headish?

Also, you would think shopping would be way more fun, but it is not.  I am used to going to [insert any plus size stores name] and getting what I needed.  Even bra shopping has become cumbersome.  I automatically gravitate to what was once comfortable to me.  I have been going to my favorite thrift stores for a few staple pieces but I still have not found a go to store for new clothes yet. I am not a 2XL or even an XL any longer.  However, my mind hasn't caught up with my body yet. Plus, I am not stylish! Pinterest has been a boon for me putting outfits together.  

images pulled from Pinterest

I am also aware that I have become VERY mindful of what I eat now, almost to the point of being neurotic.  I am acutely aware of the old habits that led to my weight gain and I am afraid to fall back into those habits.  The only thing that is keeping me from going full on calorie counting Nzai is that I don’t want B to become obsessed with her body image or weight or food or anything.  She watches and learns from me. I want her to see that I am doing things the right way and not in an obsessive way, if that makes sense.

During the next six months I am going to focus on the final forty that I want to lose.  I am going to employ the services of a trainer to tone me up.  I am also going to be consciously less obsessive about food.  I don’t want food to control me this way (obsessive calorie counting) the way it controlled me the opposite way (anxiety/boredom eating).


  1. Girl you look AWESOME! I can see the change, you aren't playing around. If you would, please post of the recipes that you've chefing up while you're on your journey. Congrats!!

  2. I think you look great and your loss has been very inspirational to me!

    I'm a little annoyed at the criticisms I've read about EJ because - hey, he's doing what he thinks is necessary and he seems to recognize that it's a tool and not a solution. I'm not mad at all at his choices. In fact, I applaud him.

    I imagine he's gotten so many mean comments that I would cringe to read. I know, because I have been his size and felt all that hatred. It's sad to me, so I only hope he's doing it for him and not because of the mean spirited crap he's received for being an overweight man on tv.

  3. Thank you Hillary that really means a great deal to me!

    MMH - Thank you thank you thank you for the compliment! I appreciate it!

    I have not read any articles, just saw a before and after photo. I just don't have it in me to read comments on controversial people or news articles. The ugliest, meanest people show up in comments! I just can't take it!

    That's something else that annoys me, however someone chooses to lose weight whether it is surgery or exercise it is none of our business! People KILL me setting their expectations on other people. I say, lose weight in whatever way works for you, if that means going under the knife DO IT and get on to living a healthier longer life!

  4. Tarsha, u look absolutely amazing. A photo journal helps u see that. I love it!!! U look HAWT!!!.....IVY

  5. Hi! I read your blog all the time but never comment. You look great! Don't be a Nazi with your food. I'm a fan of eating anything I want in moderation. I just make sure to exercise everyday. Keep up the good work!!!

  6. You look great ❤️ Go Girl!!!
