Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Blog Every Day in May Day 14 - Ten things that make you really happy

1.  My family
2. Cooking
3.  Fresh white socks. So very serious!
4.  Really good friends
5.  Being hugged by this guy; best arms in the business!
6.  Accomplishing a goal, no matter the size
 7.  My home. While it is in a constant state of decorating and remodeling, I love coming home! Still haven't made those curtains, but I have fabric now! #Progress
8.  My lemon bush; last year was the first year that it actually produced yellow fruit. If you follow me on Instagram you know I was OVER THE MOON!

9.  Music.  These are the last three songs I listened to
Madness by Muse

Run and Hide by Algebra

Stronger Than Me by Amy Winehouse

10. Everyday I get a chance to get it right!



  1. Music! yes. If you haven't already, you must give Ed Sheeran a listen.

  2. @Melissa DeLong I LOVE new music so I shall check Mr. Sheeran out post haste! Thank you!

  3. You are so lucky to be able to grow lemon trees. It's too cold to grow them here.
