Monday, May 13, 2013

Blog Everyday in May Day 13 - Issue a public apology. This can be as funny or as serious or as creative as you want it to be

Can I tell yall that sweet Aleshea over at GlitznGrits put something on my spirit this morning with her post!  She even used my favorite Psalms!
I don't make many apologies.  I go out of my way to NOT hurt people's feelings or offend people while still being honest with them.  I am this way because I know what it is like for people to be mean and ugly JUST to be mean and ugly.  It is not a good feeling.  I also believe that you will have enough people beating you up, wanting you to fail, etc. and I don't want to be a part of that group. 
If in my heart I don't feel like someone is owed an apology I won't give it just to smooth things over.  That's not being true to myself. 
With all of that being said, I am most hardest on myself.  I seriously have no chill for myself.  I beat myself up all of the time over dumb stuff and I am going to apologize to myself for that!  I am full of so much awesome that I don't give myself credit for at all.  I am an amazing mom, a great provider and an all around good person.  I am going to stop being my worst critic and start patting myself on the back more. I will be treating myself better and congratulating me a lot more!

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