Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 29, Wednesday: Five songs or pieces of music that speak to you or bring back memories.

Use Grooveshark or YouTube to include them in the post

I'm going to post about new to me music I've found recently.  Real music is not always on the radio! Hope you all enjoy!

Unaware by Allen Stone

I never expected all of that soul to come out of his voice!  I was raising holy music hands y'all! I love everything about this song! He did that!

Hell Yeah by Stacy Barthe

I'd never heard of her or her music now I need to find all of her music!  Her voice, the lyrics, the freaking beat! I love everything about this song too. And did yall peep her super dope style!?  All the flyness!!

What Profit by Dwele featuring Phife Diggy. 
I've never been a big Dwele fan but 
I've always been a huge Phife Dog fan!

Make it Bun Dem by Skrillex and Damian Marley. 
B introduced me to this song and I loved it instantly!

Metropolis by Janelle Monae. I think her voice 
is amazing and that she is very underrated!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Day 27, Monday: A letter to your readers

Dear Readers:

I like comments.  Please and thank you. 

I know some of y'all hate that captcha thing but it is necessary to keep the spammers away!  I truly appreciate you all coming over here to my little nook on these here internets. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Day 26, Sunday: Something You Read Online


Leave a link and discuss, if you'd like. 
I actually found this article via a blogger I follow, Erica B's D.I.Y. Style.  The article, The Lost Art of Dress, is about master dressmaker and professor Linda Przybyszewski.  She basically discusses how many people don't dress with care any longer. It sparked a memory of when I was young and how my grandmother always stayed fresh when she stepped out of the house.  Her clothes were always freshly ironed and she NEVER EVER EVER stepped out of the house without foundation garments: slips, girdles, GOOD bras.
The women in my family made most of their clothes so the clothes were always tailored to their bodies.  They taught me how to dress for my body and how to do it tastefully. There were never booty shorts, shown midriffs, walking out the house with a scarf on your head, in pajamas or house slippers.  NONE of that mess flew.  They always told me to "care about how you look." I often repeat this same statement to my own daughters.  I firmly believe that when you look good you feel good, you hold your head higher, your stride is longer and more purposeful. 
I don't mean you have to be dressed to The Nines all of the time but are you and your clothes clean and wrinkle- free? Do they fit properly? Are you showing any of your unmentionables, places or undergarments? Is your hair nicely coiffed? Are you dressed appropriately for the occasion?
Care about how you look.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day 25, Saturday: Something Someone Told You About Yourself...

...that you'll never forget (good or bad)
That I was "definitely my mother's child."  The person that told me meant it as an insult because my mother's history preceded her. She was a sho nuff badass in her younger days and was often judged based on her past.  However, I took that supposed insult as a compliment. 
My mother often worked two jobs to take care of me, my sisters and my daughter.  She sacrificed a lot to, at the time, get her B.S. degree (she went on to get her PhD).  I took this person's intended insult to mean that I was resilient, intelligent,  compassionate, hard-working and took no crap. So yes I am, proudly, my mother's child.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Day 24, Friday: Your Top 3 Worst Traits

I'm not sure I agree with ALL of the words in this picture but that's neither here nor there! LOL
1.  I can hold a grudge. I don't grudge over silly stuff.  My grudges are legitimate TO ME.  I don't think about how to get back at people who wrong me, I don't dwell on it or anything like that. I'm just aware that I no longer like you and won't even acknowledge your existence again until I am good and ready. 
2.  I over think stuff.  Like I will have a really good idea or plan and instead of just putting it into action, I think it to shreds.  I am actively working on this though.
3.  I am indecisive. Don't give me 25 options because I will change my mind 20 times!  This is probably why I usually don't care about other people making plans.  If all I have to do is give a little input and show up, I'm winning!  Nonetheless, I am actively working on this because I hear it drives people mad.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Day 23, Thursday: Things you've learned that school won't teach you

Real world budgeting. 
You can take all of the accounting/finance courses you want but nothing compares to actually budgeting.  Once you are thrust into real world situations when there's more bills than money, you figure stuff out.  When you are young and don't have an emergency fund and your tire blows out right after you paid all of your bills and don't know what to do.  Real world budgeting situations are lessons I learned mostly outside of school.
How to follow my dreams.
School often teaches you how to find a "good paying job with benefits." I didnt learn that I could actually do what I love and get paid for it until far later in life.  People who've been in the workforce for good lengths of time often tell me that if they could do it over they would have done something they loved. Better late than never though.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Day 22, Wednesday: Rant about something....


Get up on your soapbox and tell us how you really feel. (a pet peeve, a current event, a controversial topic, something your husband or roommate or neighbor or boss does that really ticks you off)

I will keep this short: Can we PLEASE let the stay at home mom vs working mom vs women who choose NOT to have children debate die? I mean seriously!!

Women have enough for real issues to deal with (folks trying to vote and take away our reproductive rights for starters) rather than fighting with one another about who is the better/worst woman?  Can we all agree that being a mother is hard as hell? That what might work for your family may not work for mine and that's OK? That we all sacrifice something whether is adult interaction, money, time, etc. for our families? That we all second guess our decisions? That we could all use support from one another instead of hateration in this dancery?

It is a whole hell of a lot easier to genuinely support one another than it is not to!


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Spicy Italian Sausage and Tequila Pappardelle

This super easy pasta dish is packed with flavor and given a little kick with a hit of tequila! This was a great meal to round out our easy going weekend! The leftovers weren't too shabby either!
What you need:
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1 pound spicy Italian sausage, casings removed (See note)
  • 1 cup large onion, sliced (about half of a large onion)
  • ½-1 cup EACH red, yellow and orange bell peppers
  • 3 garlic cloves diced
  • 1 tsp. thyme
  • 1 tsp. oregano
  • 1 tsp. red pepper flakes, or to taste
  • 1 cup tequila (See note)
  • 1 16 ounce can of diced tomatoes
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Handful of fresh basil cut into ribbons
  • 8-12 ounces of pappardelle or any wide pasta noodle (orecchiette would also be really good)
  • Romano or Parmesan cheese for serving
What to do:
  • Start the water for your pasta
  • In a separate large pan over medium heat, add the olive oil and Italian sausage. With a potato masher, mash the sausage into chunks. Cook through.
  • Remove the cooked sausage from the pan and add the onions. Cook the onions until they begin to lightly brown, about 5-7 minutes
  • Add the bell peppers and cook for another 2-3 minutes
  • Add the garlic, thyme, oregano and red pepper flakes if using. Give the mixture a good stir
  • Deglaze the pan with the tequila making sure to scrap up all the browned bits from the bottom of the pan. The liquid should reduce by about half
  • Add the diced tomatoes and the sausage to the pan, stir the mixture and check seasonings
  • Reduce the heat to low and let the sauce simmer while you prepare the pasta
  • Prepare pasta according to directions on the package. Drain REALLY well and add pasta directly to the sauce pan once cooked. Remove from heat, stir in fresh basil, top with freshly grated cheese and serve hot!
*Notes – if you prefer using Italian turkey sausage use a touch more oil to cook the sausage as turkey sausages typically have less fat than traditional pork Italian sausage.  Also, if you prefer to not use tequila, deglaze with chicken or vegetable stock*


Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 20, Monday: Get real. Share something you're struggling with right now


That picture cracks me up!  One because, really, OMG as your weight? And two, the picture has white feet and I am clearly not white! LMBO!

My weight is the most pressing thing I am struggling with right now.  I often find it difficult to push forward. My days are early and long, B is busy with extra-curricular activities, my drive to and from work is long, there's ALWAYS something that needs to be wiped down, washed, put away, organized or repaired in the house and sometimes I am just tired.  Too tired to do anything more than prepare a meal for B and lounge on the couch or in the bed until I fall asleep. Finding dedicated time to exercise is truly a struggle for me.

Even while typing all of that I see the words for what they are...excuses.

I hate hate hate excuses. To me, excuses are obstacles you can control.  I know my lack of energy is directly related to my weight gain and sedentary lifestyle.  I also know how energized I feel after exercising and how proud I am of myself when I exercise consistently. I control how important exercise and my health is to me and I have not made it a priority in a long time. 

I recently begin doing a Wednesday Weigh In in an attempt to keep myself accountable towards my goals.  My first goal is five pounds.  This Wednesday will make three weeks since the first WW-I post.  I've lost and gained that five pounds within that three week period.  I have not been consistent.  Exercising consistency is key for me.  If you are doing it right, weight loss is a slow process that really takes dedication and patience.  This is a struggle I DO NOT plan on having for long because I have a goal that I WILL achieve.


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 19, Sunday: Five of your favorite blogs and what you love about them

My sweet baby sister @TheNinahBee. She is so creative and funny and just full of all around awesomeness! Please go check her out...she even makes super dope jewelry.
Paige over @TheLastDoughnut.  She is one of my newest favorites.  She's funny, has the cutest dogs, she's a runner and super cute.  She slays my spirit with her abs y'all!
Dr. Manning over @ReflectionsOfAGradyDoctor. She's an Atlanta based doctor with a BHE (you'll have to read her blog to figure out what that references).  She loves her family, her job and writing. And her writing is so beautiful y'all.  When I first found her blog a couple of years ago I literally spent a weekend reading her archives. Not even kidding. I love her spirit and totally have a girl crush on her! LOL
Luvvie over @AwesomelyLuvvie. She is UBER hilarious.I mean she needs to write for her own sitcom seriously or take her show on the road.  She owns a non-profit that she stomps hard for! I think she is a total rock star
Ashley over @NotWithoutSalt I seriously swoon every time I see her photos. They are beautiful! Stunning even. I've yet to try one of her recipes because I always get lost in the photograph!