Friday, June 8, 2012

The Friday Five

It is Friday again!!!!!! Yaaaaaaaay! This has been a long week. LONG! And I have to come in tomorrow for a bit....Booooooooo Thank God for employment!

Five Things I Want To Do This Summer

1. Take B fishing...still gotta prove I can clean and gut a fish to this kid #MississippiGirl

2. FINALLY get passports for us...shameful I know

3.  Have a candlelight dinner in the backyard....after I make it pretty again!

4. Take swimming lessons....can't be drowning when we head to Destin at the end of summer!

5. Visit a local vineyard...there are several right here in Texas!

What are some of the things you plan to do this summer?

Have a wonderful weekend


Ninah said...

I would love to...

-Go on a shopping trip, alone!
-Take the kids to the zoo
-Have a party
-Go away with Kevin for the weekend
-Possibly drive to North Dakota ; )

Chatterbox said...

* take a trip with newly aquired passport!
* bathroom mini makeover
* Complete the May blog another month
* Sew a wearable garmet
* refinish wood floors in living room and hall

real exciting, I know

chele said...

They make wine in Texas? Dang, who knew?

Tarsha @ SouthernGirl. CitySwirl said...

Chele, I'm finding there is very little you can't find in Texas

Chatterbox all of that sounds right up my alley!!!

Ninah shopping alone is every single thing! LOLOL
